Student Solution


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Unit 3 Discussion Forum

Unit 3 Discussion

Q Follow and use the structure when answering these questions (this is a part of your grade) Write an essay in response to the articles by Robert Dahl, Ganesh Sitaraman, and Alex Seitz-Wald. Write an essay in response to your thoughts on these articles. 1. In the first paragraph, briefly summarize the main arguments and key points of each: Dahl, Sitaraman, and Seitz-Wald. 2. In the second paragraph, offer your ‘response’ to all three authors’ arguments. 3. Do you think our government today follows The Constitution well or does not follow it well; explain... 4. Support your argument using this week’s readings from the text book and your general knowledge of American politics and outside sources (if necessary). Remember to explain & support your reaction! Reference text materials utilizing “in-text citation” style (regarding author, year, and page #). Your answer should aim at about 500 words or more in response here.

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The article by Robert Dahl basically summarizes the fact that the Founding Fathers of the American Constitution were apparent in their ignorance while creating the Constitution to the US. He then veers off to suggest that the American constitution was a result of the lack of pre-existing constitutions which were ideal and suitable for the America population. While many were fond of the British constitution – it was deemed unimportant to the needs of a newly emerged nation such as America. Similarly, the Venetian and Roman Republics failed to provide the mould based upon which the US constitution could be formulated (Dahl, 2021). The next article by Ganesh Sitaraman points out how the Founding Fathers did not intend for the Constitution to be built for a nation which now has a vehemently visible disparity of wealth (Sitaraman, 2017).